Embrace Change with Kate aired on Contact Talk Radio from October 2017 to July 2019. After a short break Kate started a new radio show podcast, Soul Fire Wisdom on Soul Fire Radio. www.soulfireradio.com (See history below). |
The BeginningThe show began as Embrace Change with Kate & Michelle on Contact Talk Radio, and was a collaboration between Kate Olson & Michelle Hoffman. Shows with Kate & Michelle aired between Oct. 2017 & April 2018. Michelle left the show in April 2018. The imprint she made is remembered. & appreciated.
ChangesDue to circumstances the show became Embrace Change with Kate in April 2018..The emphasis on Change and integration of mind, body, spirit wellness continued. with Kate hosting audio formatted shows until 2019 when she added some video shows moving toward a new format.
BecomingKate interviewed guests on many topics related to change and mind, body, spirit wellness and evolved with the flow of the show, pursuing her own passions as a "Change Adventure Navigator" to help clients pursue their passions & find path, purpose & peace! This led her to move to her new show, Soul Fire Wisdom, which began in Oct. 2019 and focus on pursuing your passions & the wisdom gained.